After the staking transaction is confirmed successfully in the Ethereum network, you can view the corresponding validator status on the validator page:
- Status:
- Deposited: Validator created successfully
- Pending: Validator is in the queue waiting for activation
- Active: Validator is in a secure and stable operating state
- Requsted to withdraw:Validator is in the queue waiting for the withdrawal of the principal and rewards
- Exiting:The validator is in an exit state, but the validator funds have not been returned to the withdrawal address yet.
- Exited: The validator is in an exit state, and the staked funds and staking rewards have been returned to the withdrawal address.
- APR: Validator's accumulated actual annualized return rate
- Balance: The principal within the validator
- Operation Days: Accumulated operating days of the validator
- Online Rate: The higher the online rate, the more stable the earnings obtained