The balance of BTC you see on block explorer is the amount of tokens in a single address, while the balance shown in the BTC wallet within imToken is the sum of all BTC in main address, child addresses and change address, so the balance is different.
Articles in this section
- How to convert BTC in my BTC wallet to USDT?
- How to redeem BTC with imBTC or WBTC?
- Why does the balance of my BTC wallet and the balance on the block explorer not match?
- Can I receive Omni-USDT using BTC child address?
- Can I transfer BTC between BTC addresses that start with 1, 3, bc1p, and bc1q?
- How to use BTC sub address to receive tokens?
- Error “BTC balance is insufficient” when transferring USDT
- Why is the BTC transaction "Pending" or "Timeout"?
- How to export the private key of BTC child address
- BTC balance is zero after importing other wallets' mnemonic into imToken