As we all know, Telegram Group has always been the main channel for crypto users to communicate something. Because Telegram is too open, there are a lot of scammers or fakes on it, like:
- arbitrage fraud
- fake imToken official technical support
- fake imToken airdrop
Therefore, after a long time consideration by the imToken team, we decided to revoke Telegram from June 10th, 2019:
- We will remove the Telegram link from our APP and website
- We will dissolve the original official Telegram group, but Telegram will retain as "imToken Fans group" for communication between users
- There will be no imToken official customer service in any Telegram groups
- Telegram group will be handed over to the robot management. The robot does not have the user support capability.
All Telegram user needs to pay attention to:
- Anyone who claims to be imToken official in the telegraph group to provide user support is a liar!
- Anyone who helps you solve problems through a telegram private chat may be a liar!
- Anyone who wants your private key or mnemonic is a liar! Do not leak it in any situations
- Don't try to solve the problem by Telegram. Please remember the offcial channel:
- imToken airdrop plan will be public in Please go to the links above to check it
- Don't trust the "arbitrage" in the telegraph group. It’s a liar!
Finally, imToken official channels:
- Official website:
- Customer Service Email:
- Community Forum: